Oh Peace,
You just brought up one of my worst fears!
Yup---I guess it will just cave in, or worse, the tumour will 'break through' to the outside and become a whole suppurating mess.
I'm also scared stupid cos my lung (Primary) gives me NO problems, but am still here because it was jaw problems in the first place which have 'eased' since biopsy in May, but, if I'm truthful, are coming back--the pain is increasing, I feel lumps around the painful bits inside lip and into jaw, and the doc has already told me 'it's gonna grow/gat worse'.
I really have no idea Peace, and docs won't tell me exactly WHAT is gonna happen and oh boy---I'm as scared as you, believe me!
HOWEVER!!!!!! I AM DIAGNOSED as incurable. YOU aint!
So read everyone's posts about survivor stories and recovery and stuff, get some anti-anxiety meds, and keep living!
I've just done all the practical stuff I can like will-making, letters to important people, researching hospice care and pain-relief and DNR and stuff----and just carry on 'living and enjoying'
Sorry peace if this sounds not as positive as I generally try to post.
My jaw-bone is already precariously thin--can anyone answer our initial question---does face just cave in???

Brenda in UK--Diagnosis 30/5/07--undifferentiated carcinoma in right jawbone and muscles. Stage 4
6/7/07--new diagnosis primary is in lung. Finished 4cycles of palliative carboplatin/gemcitabine
therapy September 07
Now dying to live!