
It must be terrible to have constant pain in that area. I didn't have any jaw removal but had a near total glossectomy and lots of reconstructive oral surgery and lots of radiation thereafter.

My dentist took some x-rays about a year after that and found some trouble spots. Before he would fill them, he checked with my ENT who said no to any work like that due to the radiation and defineitely no extractions. I had some pain in one area of a particular tooth.

What he did was put me on an electric toothbrush and water pik that I use at least twice aday plus semi-annual cleanings. This seems to have alleviate the pain and hopefully prolong the life of the teeth. I agree it would be a good idea to see a maxillofacial prosthodontist.

All the best,
SCC Rt lateral tongue Dx 9/03, Surg 11/03 (T2/N0M0);recur SCC BOT and anterior tongue Dx 1/04; surg 2/04 (T4/N0M0) subtotal glossectomy, forearm free flap, floor of mouth reconstruction,pharyngoplasty;trach until 3/04;PEG still have; 36 rad (3/04-5/04)therapy 12/04-12/05; 2 esophagus endoscopies