Hello all,
Well, I thought I was going to breath deeply after having my peg removed, but now I HAVE a new hurt. The swelling under my chin and jaw have gone down dramatically and along with that, inside of my jaw. Now my jaw is rubbing on the outside of my jaw tooth. My ent said it was my filling. After having arch bars months ago, i AM SURE it was pulled loose somehow. My ent said he was not a dentist and could not help me. But, my jaw was partially removed and the implant failed, so it swings. How would I have a tooth fixed in that jaw area. Should I go to a specialist. I am so scared and cannot sleep at night because of the rubbing and bleeding.
Any thoughts? Bless you all.

Partial mandibulectomy and neck dissection 2/3/07. T2NOMO.
Had 14 hour operation which included reconstruction of jaw.
Reconstruction failed. Some radiation, no chemo.