Yes, Nicki, anxiety can produce feelings of numbness or emptiness. I think there are just times when the body says, "I've had enough, I need a time-out from feeling." You are under a lot of stress, as you know!, and this stress can produce an overload of anxiety, which in turn can produce the numbness. Good news is that you appear to be doing all the right things to cope with this: letting other people help you & Tom, enjoying life's small pleasures (a beautiful fall day) and taking time to take care of yourself (e.g., soaking in the Jacuzzi, cooking something special). Take good care of yourself so you can take care of Tom! - Candace

Sister of man w/base of tongue cancer, stage IV, Dx 4/03, finished Tx 9/03, 12 clear exams and counting!

Sister of guy w/base of tongue cancer, Stage IV, Dx 4/03, finished Tx 9/03