It is another gorgeous day here - and I give thanks for the sun and gentle breeze...they help with the inner spirit.
My root canal went well enought, though he had to hit me 4 times with the pain killer and now one side of my face needs a lift! I've got good pain pills on hand!
Seems they've overshot their goal with the blood thinner, and now they have to thicken things up again

I don't think he'll have any blood left by the time they finish taking those tests every few hours!
He definately cannot eat anything by mouth now. It hurts for him to swallow water. A great nutrition worker brought him mashed potatoes, pudding, cream pies in an effort to get him to eat a little, but he just can't do it anymore. I am SO THANKFUL for the PEG. He's got 3 weeks and one day to go with radiation - and one more chemo round that we know of....
Has it happened that one goes completely numb from the anxiety? I feel so totally empty...can't really describe it any other way.
I'll have to take a Xanax tonight I think..right after I soak in the jacuzzi....certainly can't hurt, right?
One of the best things (and there are some) that has comeof all this nastiness is that we are finding the depths of our relationships - family and friends. I have so many people offering rides (who live further away from the hospital than we do!) and support that I am overwhelmed.
Looks like next week I won't have to drive at all! The prayer chains are fabulous and we can feel that power - - truly makes one humble.
You all are such a vital anchor and I must admit you know more of my anxieties, etc. than anyone else. I wear a pretty good game face most of the time, but those that know me well pretty much see through that..
I'll make dinner tonight for my daughter and myself...something soft!