I'm sad tonight, Marica, because the blood is not doing what it is supposed to do and it does not look like he'll be out before Wednesday. That makes a week....They added dehydration to the list of problems

I am happy that there is no one in the room with him - and with plenty of empty rooms on the floor, I hope it stays that way.
He's lost all semblance of color in his complexion and his face is so thin. He's really feeling the effects of the radiation in his throat, and his skin is cherry-red. I'm rapidly becoming depressed seeing my handsome guy going downhill. YOu all have done a good job preparing me for what's coming, but it still somehow "did not compute." I want my husband back, and I know it is going to be awhile.
I won't be able to see him tomorrow because of my root canal, but I'm planning on calling his chemo doctor (who, hopefully, will be back from Europe) to find out how all this will impact his scheduled chemo treatment on Wednesday.
The care has been excellent; the nurses are just great! I see everyone put on fresh gloves and wash their hands when they come into the room...so I'm hopeful nothing is coming in there that could harm him.
Thanks, all.