For those of you contemplating the PEG tube, I've said it before and I will say it again. The PEG tube was my best friend. The procedure to put it in was easy and once swallowing became impossible it was my only source of nutrition for many months. Even after I was able to swallow liquids, I still depended on it for most of my nourishment and used it as well to take medications.
I worked with it under my clothes, played golf wearing it, and took showers with no problem. Yes, I had to learn to sleep on my left side, but that was no problem either. I hung that bag everywhere from a nail on my office wall, to a tree at a campsite, to a hook in a bathroom stall.
I still lost 20 lbs. and cannot imagine how I would have made it without the PEG.

Danny G.

Stage IV Base of Tongue SCC
Diagnosed July 1, 2002, chemo and radiation treatments completed beginning of Sept/02.