Hi all, long time no talk!!

I thought that I would give you an update on my hubby's progress, my sweet David. To have a PEG or not was probably the 1st big decision we had to make. After all your helpful advise, information and intense reflexion, David had decided not to go ahead with it. It was not an easy and light decision as you know but I am happy and relieved to say that he went through the 7 week of RT without a PEG tube.

RT was complete at Easter and we are meeting the RT and ENT specialists for the 1st time tomorrow. Morphine has helped him immensly going through the process and he has been able to eat until the completion of the tx. He took heaps of Fortisips and lost 5kg during RT.

I know that the PEG tube is a saviour for a majority for people and David is one of the few lucky ones. I certainly would be the first one to recommend it but what I have leant from this is that "self-awareness" is an important factor that we can not disregard. David knew he could not go through the RT with the PEG tube. It meant so much more then a small surgical procedure to allow to nourish his body. The significance went beyond it.

David is a bit anxious about tomorrow's meeting. We still don't know if the RT has worked. We cross our fingers. Again thank you for all you help so far. I have been busy looking after our young children and sustain a certain normality in our household. I'll write again


Wife of David, 44yo, SCC-BOT-R) mod. rad. ND in Jan 06. 35x standard RT from Feb-April 06. Recur on L) side same level in Sept 06 with mod rad ND. 1/48 node positive SCC + 1/48 positive micropapillary carcioma consistant with thyroid CA.