Hi Sweety,

I hope you're feeling a bit better today. I know how you're feeling - that feeling of hopelessness. I'm almost a year out from Dx and on bad days I still feel hopelessly angry, sad, depressed, frustrated, scared - you name it, I've felt it. I wish, at times, that I had had someone to lash out to if only to make me feel better at the moment. Nine days after my diagnosis my husband of almost 23 years passed away suddenly and I was left a widow at the age of 45 and dealing with cancer. I was so mad at him for leaving me when I needed him most especially since I was there the many, many times he was hospitalized during our 23 years and now he wasn't there for me. BUT, I do have really good days too when I feel a little less scared, angry, sad, etc. I only wish I had found this forum from the beginning of this painful journey so I'm glad you were able to find us. This is a caring group with a lot of first-hand knowledge of what we all are going through. I hope the doctor was able to give you something to help "cheer" you up (so to speak). I've been taking risperdal and it helps to keep me from falling apart.

Hang in there - there are good times ahead - just be patient with yourself and try to be patient with those around you. Not easy - but doable. And if you need to scream and cry, do it - it usually makes me feel a little better and helps to release the stress and tension.

Prayers coming your way, Nancy

Stage IV oral cancer (tongue), T3N2, total glossectomy with right and left modified neck dissection 7/03, rad /chemo ended 11/03