You guys are the BEST! I do not know what I would do if I hadn't found this forum. I have just cried reading your posts. Your warm words of encouragement have made me very tearful because there is so much positivity and hope coming from you all.

Last night was an awful night. I have not slept, I cannot seem to stop the thoughts going around in my head. I cannot get comfortable. This morning I look awful, I looked in the mirror and saw a stranger looking back at me. The stress and pressure this causes me is the worst ever. I tell you if I can get through this, I can get through anything that life throws at at me. The numbness has returned again. Its awful but I quite like this numbness I feel because it feels almost safe and I don't have to think.

I am seeing a counsellor today and am going to start taking the 'happy pills' aka prozac or something similar. I will let you know how I am doing this evening.

Thankyou so much for spending time writing me to help me, I truly appreciate and listen to every word being spoken.

With warmest wishes and masses of ((((HUGS))))) to you all,

Stage 1vb Metastatic Cervical Cancer.
Metastatic squamous neck cancer.
Currently having RT,Chemo. Tumor removed 07/04 Immune therapy.