Angela, I had an extremely similar case as you can see in my signature info. I am 43, normally work full time and have two small kids. I took ~ 3.5 months off work. The only time I could have worked would have been the first two weeks of Rads, but many here worked throughout (I have no idea how!). But my job is also hectic, stressful and long hours. Oral cancer is aggressive and sneaky and predictably unpredictable and do not hesitate to do radiation/chemo. It was admittedly pretty awful for me, but I was prepared to do whatever I could do to LIVE. Doing the treatment felt like taking control of the situation for me. At least that is how I got through it. If it comes back despite the treatment, then I will have no regrets. Am happy to talk with you anytime about radiation in detail. I kept a log of every med I took and how I felt, and also had a Caring Bridge site. Things start to get foggy pretty early so I found it helpful to write down what I was taking, eating etc. The good news? Im almost 3 months out and am mostly doing fine now. I have the same issues that many here have discussed but all nuisances vs QOL issues (at least am choosing to see them that way!). There is light at end of the tunnel and it is 100% worth it to keep the nasty cancer away. Good luck and keep in touch

42 yo
No smoke, social drink, HPV neg
May 2013 - SCC Right lateral oral tongue - stage 1 (T1N0M0)
Partial hemiglossectomy and sentinel node bx NEG
NED 5/29/13
3/2014 - Cancer back (never gone) in one right sided cervical node
Modified neck dissection 3/2014, N1 with microscopic ECE,39 nodes neg
30 Rads and 2 cisplatin done June 13!
PET in 3-4 months but no clinical cancer and I'll take it!