Thankyou Cheryl. Thankyou Tony.

I'm trying to heal now, I have an appt with my dr for the results this Thursday.
I'm pretty sure he wants me to get radiation treatments.

Thankyou for responding and your support. Yes, I'm nervous and worried, and trying to keep it in check. It is hard.

I will read more on the sight to see if that can help me.

I've read some, but I cannot say I've read as much as I should, this came all of a sudden, I thought I was done with this after operation in January.

The news hits hard.

Take care. I will keep you posted.


SCC 12/13 - T1N0
1/28/13 - removal of tumor Rt. Tongue clear margins
5/14 lump under chin, 8/14 FNA showed C and CAT
8/25 neck dissection, 14nodes removed 9 clear 5 with C
Extra Nodal Extension not present
9/9/14 tumor board meeting to determine RAD and poss chemo treatment