I'm so confused on how this works and travels in the body... so if I would have had the ND to begin with, the cells from the swelling in my tongue still would have dumped somewhere.... if my lymph-nodes had been gone where would the cancer cells have gone? I thought the Lynph-nodes were supposed to trap the bad cells and keep them from traveling throughout the body...??? They said they only saw C in the lymph-nodes on the CT scan. So does that mean I will not need Rad treatments, because it is not anywhere else???or that I will???, I'm getting mixed messages from the nurse. I think he is trying to be nice and spare me until after the surgery. But I'd really like to know.

SCC 12/13 - T1N0
1/28/13 - removal of tumor Rt. Tongue clear margins
5/14 lump under chin, 8/14 FNA showed C and CAT
8/25 neck dissection, 14nodes removed 9 clear 5 with C
Extra Nodal Extension not present
9/9/14 tumor board meeting to determine RAD and poss chemo treatment