Thanks for being so blunt David and yes, he was made aware of it by oncologist and surgeon. But what can you do?
If this wasn't a wake up call than I don't know what is.

I used to get worked up, stressed out and angry about it but for my own sake had to accept it and try not to think about it.


Working caregiver of my husband (51) Simon

03/2014 oropharyngeal cancer, stage IVB, T2N3M0, HPV 16 +
04/2014 Neck dissection - 39 lymph nodes removed, one node positive greater than 6cm, tumour in tonsil reaching into soft palette
28/04/14 begin of treatment
33 x RADS 66 Gy, 33 x chemo cisplatin 13mg each
29/04/14. pick two lines
12/06/14 finished treatment
09/ 14 Pet scan clear