I too was in the wait and see mode with my treatment team. ON the follow up PET for my first cancer (tonsil) they found a hot node in the middle of my neck left side. Wanted me to wait 3 months for another scan to see it got bigger or not. Well while waiting for that period during the second month I noticed a small bb sized node on the left side of my neck. After FNA came up recurrent SCC With met. to left side of neck. So I say with everything that I have read. to push for diagnosis.

. Radio/Erbitex:(35/6.) .6/13 RSSC with met.to left neck.9/11/13 MND with left tonsil removal.9/18/13 margins failed, .Dx Terminal. 10/22/13 Dx.StageIII Lymphedema. Carboplatin/Taxol, cancer progression,WECF
3/14/2014 given 2 weeks, 3 maybe. All the veins in my head are slowly leakinging due to Ehlers Danlos syndrome. lucky thing is that my spinal fluid leaking out my nose is slowing the build up of pressure in my huge, huge head. you would not believe.