Just to put it on the record now that three of you have posted this. OCF's position is that patients should find the best institution, with the highest independently established ratings to be treated at. This is historically large NCI designated CCC's, that have greatest access to clinical trials, doctors that see far more patients with a particular disease than those in a regional hospital, and have funding for the most modern equipment, and so on. (Full disclosure on how hospitals are rated can be found on the US New and World Report Hospital rating criteria) There is peer reviewed published work (story in the OCF news feed) which has looked at the outcomes from these institutions compared to smaller regional hospitals, and those peer reviewed studies show superior outcomes from the bigger CCC's. This does not mean that there are not good doctors at smaller institutions, so do not misinterpret this. This is based on clinical outcomes, looked at through a scientific, non subjective process.

I could not be more pleased that the three of you had great outcomes, as many people who go to smaller institutions do. But when the crap hits the fan, and your disease takes an unexpected negative turn, I would like to be with a team that has seen that unexpected event hundreds if not thousands of times vs. just a few. I would like to have access to clinical trial drugs that are not available at smaller institutions. All that said, the bulk of people in the US do not have the luxury of getting to choose what their HMO, insurance region and carrier, or personal finance dictates. That is the reality. So, IF, IF, someone has the ability to go to an institution with a higher clinical outcome rating, and the assets to make that possible, OCF will always recommend that patients go to one.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.