Right Cheyrl, they did not consider or underestimated any underlying issues, including the diabetes, which i dont think was the main cause, high BP, chronic anemia, and G6PD, which can possible make me reactive to medications, illnesses, certain foods even, due to oxidatve stress. These may have been acclerated by the chemo, and would not have been brought out for many years ode deacse. The doctor figured I looked good, he said that, and I was phsycically strong also, so I would be fine. He said we are going to hit this, and hit it hard, and will cure it. I thought so too. Before I was diagnosed, and reason it helped push me to look into the swollen lymph node, is that I had surgery for an abcess two months before, and caught MRSA in the hospital, and was then hospitalized for 20 days, and given all types of meds for it, transfusions too, due to hemolysis from the G6PD. The CCC knew that, and they put me in isolation as a precaution during my chemo, so my chart says for MRSA. Anyway, before that I had all the work ups for diagnosis with contrast CT, which I cant have anymore, PET/CT, triple scopes with biopsy, including a salivary stone removal, so more medications. I'm not saying CCC are bad, in fact they are very good. I'm just defending my statement that they can be agressive in treatment, which may be good for most cases, but not mine at that time, but was good for my latest treatment in Aug., oct./Nov, and you have to be aware of what is good for you. Maybe there is a better word than agressive? I knew that it was more aggressive than was proposed by my local oncoilogist, who is also my hemotologist, and knows my history better, but disclosed everything, and wanted the best treatment, so I thought, and did not proceed with my local oncologists recommendations, but I didn't expect this outcome, and underestimated it also. I did not have any kidney disease before that, and my creatinine was fine for years, no eye problems and didn't even wear eyeglasses, except for driving, and had an eye exam by coincidence several months before with no problems, no neuropathy, and just had common ailments that many have these days. I went from being active, working, exercising all my life, to being homebound, which still am, can't drive anymnore, can't walk far, and I'm only talking several blocks, if that, cant see well, can't work, ahve no energy, get out of breath fom the anemia, and still have muscle pataylsis. It would be fine if the chemo, and what I went through cured my cancer, but it didn't, and it's not easy going through one tretamanbt, but I had 5 recurrences having to go through the same procees 5 more times with the worry, testing, waiting, dr vists, reasearch other consultations and treaments or surgery. As mentioned, i have my 11th or 12 PET/Scan next month is the real test, since most post treatmant scans are clear anyway. I'll gauge my progress on this next one, which never was good in 3.8 years.

With induction chemo, I believe there is not much time to gauge a reacation to it, in my case, as opposed to weekly or three bag treatment over the sourse of weeks. After IC, in the hospital, I walked out carried my big duffle bag, even exercised in my room during mytay, doing push-ups, and all, even lifting to room chair like weights lol, but I was weak, and felt it in my legs. I didn't have them wheel me to the door either on discharge, and refused, and the type of guy I am. When I got home things started getting worser and worser, and went to the local hospital by ambulabce, and for me to do that, it has to be bad, since I;m aand a very independant person my whole life. I go to all my dignises, tests, whatver by myself., No one ever had to hold my hand for anything. I also wonder how many here did not recieve their 3rd big bag chemo, many, and wonder what would have happened to them if they recieved the 3rd bag? I think of my situation is similar having had that 3rd bag per say, and then some, with chenmo that most do not recive in 7 weeks were done in 5 days. I had TPF Induction Chemo, which was controversial, still is, due to its high toxicity and death rate. I believe it was not on the NCCN guidline then, and may even had a warning for its use, and NCCN did not recommend it when looking at them is 2010 or 2011. Now it's in the guidline under certain circumstances. My local doctors said I was given too much chemo. When I had recurences my local oncologist would say, You're not going back to that place that almost killed you lol, and I knwo she would rather treat me, and only reason I go to a CCC is for the ENT, surgeries, and RO, not really the MO, but they want me to stay at one place.

The reason for my multiple recurrences is that I did not have any curative treatment after my chemo reaction of only 5 days, which was supposed to be done in 3 cycles, followed by 7 weekd chemoradiiation, and we know chemo doesn't kill cancer, and only until 1.3 years later did recieve radiation. I could not be given chemo then nor after several more recurrences. My ENT said if I was able to complete treatment, as originally planned, I would be cured by now, but now have persistant cancer. When I was hospitalized no tests, discussion were made for cancer treatment, it was to survive the many deadly ailments, and was not expected to live. I eventually decided to go home, against the doctors advise, and several months later was able to be wheeled into my local oncologists office, so for 8 months I just thought what the cancer was doing, spread, and had no communication to anyone except, my doctors, and my family visting. No internet, no cellphone, no support groups I belonged to. I never even had a discussion with any other cancer patients, let alone Tonsil cancer, being I was in isolation, and unable to walk for a long time, 10 months, which I'm sill looking into, and then hen you just dont jumo up, I had to learn how o walk again, and still struggle walking two blocks. I did join FB, located a support group on-line a year after diagnosis, and then I found my case to be very unusual than others, even my treatment, and all along thought this maybe happened to all cancer patients, which then prodded me to getting all me records, and didnt even know what Chemos I received, and question what happened.

I researched, and crossed referenced all my ailments, medicationa with the Induction chemo I recieved, and does seem questionable if I should have recieved that when a lesser chemo or no chemo would have had a better outcome for me. Several doctors thought I may not get any chemo at all, but was leaving that to the MO. One reason why IC is copntroversil is somtimes it prevents patients from completeing curative treamant, which happened to me, plus the tocity, and death rate.

During my 5 days of hospilization, I was bombared with medications, especially insulin, and chemo, which probably contributed to my bad response, and was like the perfect storm, and brought out thinks that may have taken years to profress, but happened overnight. I may have even caught another infection, rather I know i did in my 6 minths, or the MRSA I had was not fully cleared, but tests showed it did. As I said before, I'm reactive to certain medications, illnesses, even foods due to oxidatuve stress, which causes hemolysis, and has happened before having gone into twice septic shock requiring hospilization, and domino effect. I'm anemic my whole life, no big deal, but it worsened.

These are the medications given to me, not counting others I was taking.

Permacath Placement
20Mg IV Dexamethasone
Insulin Aspart 18x in variuos dosage
Insulin Gardine variois dosage 9x
12Mg Ondansertron IV 11x
160Mg Cisplatin
1610Mg Fluoracil (5-FU) over 4 day infusions
160Mg Taxotere
10Mg Ramapril 6x
150Mg Atovaquone Oral susp 6x
5 Mg Zolpidem Tab 2x
10Mg Oxycodone 7x
80MG Aprepitant 4x

Last edited by PaulB; 07-14-2013 11:56 AM.

10/09 T1N2bM0 Tonsil
11/09 Taxo Cisp 5-FU, 6 Months Hosp
01/11 35 IMRT 70Gy 7 Wks
06/11 30 HBO
08/11 RND PNI
08/12 RND Pec Flap IORT 12 Gy
10/12 25 IMRT 50Gy 6 Wks Taxo Erbitux
10/13 SND
10/13 TBO/Angiograph
10/13 RND Carotid Remove IORT 10Gy PNI
12/13 25 Protons 50Gy 6 Wks Carbo
11/14 All Teeth Extract 30 HBO
03/15 Sequestromy Buccal Flap ORN
09/16 Mandibulectomy Fib Flap Sternotomy
04/17 Regraft hypergranulation Donor Site
06/17 Heart Attack Stent
02/19 Finally Cancer Free Took 10 yrs