I am not religious but has no offence against any religion. I agree that Christians are very supportive and when I was in the darkest part of the tunnel, my Christian friends prayed a lot for me and when I started to recover, they claimed that I could be cured because of their constant prayers. I wonder if I didn't make any effort and just sat back and waited for God's help, would the outcome be the same? Would I still be alive if I weren't proactive enough in grasping the essential weapons to fight the battle? Of course many patients who were fervent in their religion and had a courageous fighting spirit still lost their battle. I can only say that since we are human, there are many things beyond our power and control to manage.


Karen stage 4B (T3N3M0)tonsil cancer diagnosed in 9/2001.Concurrent chemo-radiation treatment ( XRT x 48 /Cisplatin x 4) ended in 12/01. Have been in remission ever since.