Well, it has been a long night of no sleep...but Tim has agreed to start back up the RT/Chemo tomorrow. I really wish he would start today, but I didn't want to push him too far.
We have been married for 30 yrs...gone through our 20's, 30's, 40's, and now 50's together. We both feel that we are each others soul-mate. I have always tried to let Tim make his final decisions, while letting him know my thoughts. But this has been so hard on him (physically, mentally, & spiritually) and he just wants it to be done.
He has tried to have a positive attitude through all this, but the last few weeks...the hope in his eyes are gone. I feel so helpless, I want to do something to take away the this horrible pain.
I am going to ask about getting hydration through my port. And maybe quit the chemo and just finish the RT. Thank you all for your info & uplift.

CG to Tim (both 54)= DX SCC 6/12, Stage 4- right base of Tongue/Floor of Mouth: Floor of Mouth & 50% of Tongue removed w/Flap & Full Neck Dissection 7-18-12: Peg, Port: RT 25X of33 w/Chemo 10X Cisplatin/Taxol)