sweet, seth, love it! that's great news. nasal endos are a treat huh? like heraldo riviera going into al capone's vault.

meat tenderizer is basically salt with bromelain which is used for inflammation, although he prefers using salt.

i think it's neurontin that's tripping him out the most plus the dreaded chemo brain. we had a long talk with his dr and fav nurse today, as he feels out of it and needed to hear from someone else other than us why. would really like if they could script him something for anxiety but they aren't too keen on the idea as he is finally pain free and still very coherent with the exception of the times he hits the wall emotionally which isn't often enough--he finally let go today about how confused and scared he is. spilling a glass of water can flip him out easily, even though he gets why it happens. we agreed i'll call every few hours (AND he'll pick up the phone) when i'm not with til he gets over this period. that way he can snarl at me instead of my mom.

we watch the prostate patients in the waiting room, they breeze through treatment, my dad's sort of jealous (jealous of someone else's cancer, lol!) man this disease/treatment sucks!

CG to Dad. Biopsy 5/11 non-op, SCC stage IV poorly dif at base of tongue with nodes, quit smoking in '85, ChemoRad began 8/2/11 ended 9/22/11 with NED. Distant mets 11/11, clinical trials. War raging on!