Well said, Jenslp!

Ellen, let us know how it all goes.

I tried the honey treatment going into radiation, although I didn't have Manuka honey until very late. It may well have helped, but as I was warned, eventually it became quite horrid! Yech!!! So, please be understanding if/when your husband can't stand the stuff any longer. Makes my stomach turn just thinking of it, and it's been more than a year.

I do enjoy honey now, but on toast or something. Not straight off a spoon. Ugh.

47 yr old male non-smoker, social drinker, fit. Jan'10, Stg3 rt tonsil+rt neck SCC, HPV+, rad+chmo Vancouver Cda. 2yr clear Apr'12 London UK. Apr'13 mets recur to lymph btw left lung & aorta, 3x Cisplatin+5FUchemo+20 rad, was all clear but 6-mo PET-CT shows mets to pleura around left lung, participating in St 1 trial of GDC-0980. GDC lost effect and ended July'14, bad atrial fibrillation requiring hospitalisation, start more standard chemo 10 Sep 2014.
Sadly has passed away, notified Jan 2015.