You should not kick yourself for being anxious about this--you are human, few if any of us were able to tackle this cancer treatment without anxiety. This is what I would say (as a former queen of anxiety): 1. ask for meds, might have to adjust them to fit you 2. find something to occupy your time that is entertaining, be it a book, project 3. Engage in some physical activity, walks will do, yoga could work 4. find a relaxation exercise that is recorded and use it. I have one I still use now.

You might consider taking one of those anxiety tabs right before radiation if that is worrisome. It helped me. I know some people did not have that phobia. But I got the better of it that way! I looked upon an anti-anxiety med as a way for me to take control of the situation basically.

Great to hear from you.

SCC tongue 9/2010, excised w/clear margins:8 X 4 mm, 1 mm deep
Neck Met, 10/2010, 1 cm lymph node; 12/21/'10: Neck Diss 30 nodes, 29 clear, micro ECE node, part tongue gloss, no residual scc
IMRT & 6 cisplatin 1/20/11-2/28/11 at MDA
GIST tumor sarcoma, removed 9/2011, no chemo needed
Clear on both counts as of Fall, 2021