Charm, That quote is originally Woody Allens and there is some confusion on that as newspapers often quoted Spike as saying it. Here is an interesting article that touches on it:

What I find kind of spooky is I just read that quote a few days ago, thought it very funny but decided to post the Dalai Lama quotes instead. The quote was credited to Woody Allen on the site I was reading so it confused me when I read your post and decided to do a little digging. Funny stuff.

Spike was a huge influence on Monty Python, who I grew up on, and they openly attribute their take on comedy to him...which is the only reason I'd heard of him actually. I'm a huge British Comedy buff as I love MP, Red Dwarf and avidly watch the BBC.

So with that I'm going to post a Red Dwarf quote today:

"The time for talking is over. Now call it extreme if you like, but I propose we hit it hard, and we hit it fast, with a major, and I mean major, leaflet campaign. " -Rimmer

Young Frack, SCC T4N2M0, Cisplatin,35+ rads,ND, RT Mandiblectomy w fibular free flap, facial paralysis, "He who has a "why" to live can bear with almost any "how"." -Nietzche "WARNING" PG-13 due to Sarcasm & WAY too much attitude, interact at your own risk.