Okay, Third Sunday of Lent (unlike the 3rd Sunday of Advent no change of color in vestments until next Sunday) today so a "sermon" type quote on handling fear:
[quote]Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.
~ William James, from The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy (1897). Is Life Worth Living?
Get better Soon Eric . BTW, other posters are welcome to add their favorite fear quotes. We only need one a day to fulfill Eric's title


65 yr Old Frack
Stage IV BOT T3N2M0 HPV 16+
2007:72GY IMRT(40) 8 ERBITUX No PEG
2008:CANCER BACK Salvage Surgery
25GY-CyberKnife(5) 3 Carboplatin
Apaghia /G button
2012: CANCER BACK -left tonsilar fossa
40GY-CyberKnife(5) 3 Carboplatin

Passed away 4-29-13