Hi Angelia,
I think the depression is very normal for what we have to go through with this lousy cancer. I, too, became very depressed and am still taking antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds, they are SO helpful and nothing to be ashamed of! Please ask for what you need, both in terms of the depression and the pain - I don't think I could have made it without the narcotics, I am so thankful I was "doped up" for much of the treatment! laugh

Chin up, you can do it?

Lucinda 52 y.o. no risk factors -dxed 11/10/09 w/ Right lateral tongue SCC 2cm, bilateral neck dissection with 3 nodes positve on right, Induction chemoTx followed by ChemoradioTx, last Tx 4/3/09, PET/CT 11/8/09 showed no sign of recurrence.