Hump Day!! 17 down and 16 to go!!!!!!

You know, last week when I was at the end of my rope, I kept praying to God asking Him to show me the way. Then I found the pain specialist. Then I found this website. Then you all yelled at me. I guess I got my answer. Thank you. I'm really surprised how much your cheering me on is actually helping.

I went back to the pain management doctor today and got my pain meds increased. Yippee, more relief! The doctor told me that I don't have to worry about going back to that awful place of dire pain where I was last week, that I'm entitled to better pain management than that. I thought, that's just what someone on the website told me!

So, regarding the thrush, I'll just keep a close eye on things and request the Diflucan script the second I see evidence of it starting. Thanks for the info.

I'll try the gelpack on my cheek--it probably will last longer than the cold rag that I have to keep getting cold!

I'll ask the nutritionist about the Carnation Instant Breakfast very high calorie drink--it might help to have some on hand for days I can't get down 4 ensure pluses. I don't think I could get down lobster bisque, even at room temp, but I'll keep it in mind for recovery--it sounds good. I am sooooo tired of ensure!

What is this mouth stretching everyone is talking about?? I've never heard of such a thing.
