PLease try to find some help for the pain issues. Don't quit. During my 4th and 5th week, I had problems with mouth sores and the RAD DR worked with me to get relief for the pain. Yesterday I completed the last of my 39 treatments. Hang in there, you can do it. Just take it one day at a time and before you know it, it will all be history.
Look at the choices, work on getting pain relief or the unknown? Please hang in there this is the cite to get support!

Age 57 at dx on 3/30/2009 by Dentist
SCC of R tonsil S2 Poorly Differentiated - 2.5 cm
Rad - IMRT 5x a wk for 8 wks starting 5/4/2009
No Chemo
Last Rad treatment was 6/26/2009.
Two years down as of 3/30/2011!
God bless all affected by this monster called cancer!