
There is no way it can be easier to be the patient. I wouldn't wish this treatment on my worse enemy. You have to be so brave to get through each day!

Good for you that you finally see a therapist. It is really important to a have a safe place to vent and just be real.

Jeff saw a therapist once and he has a another appointment coming up. Unfortuataly our insurance is such that he is only seen every couple of weeks. He has joind a support group for now while he can get there.

Take care,


Jeff age 49 DX 5/8/09 Tonsil cancer T2N2BMO. Tonsillectomy 5/14/09. TX: Cisplatin 3x's every 21 days w/ 33 Rad concurrent. 2-3 nodes on right neck affected. PEG 7/10/09. Chemo/rad start 6/12/9, TX finished 7/28/09. Extended TX
3 more chemo/Cisplatin/5FU/Docetaxil start 9/11, Clean PET 10/29/09.