To Eric S and all the above respondents,

Thank you for the insights and words of wisdom. I'm catching the general drift of this; I'm not alone, nobody wants to go through this horrible treatment but we do what we have to do and eventually we reach the other side.

I have never been on a forum before so this has been a refreshing spark and it gives me hope to hear from all of you. I have a loving and supportive wife and two sons one in college and the other starting high school. Both are home for the summer and I am a little worried about them seeing what will happen to me. I like to think of myself as their rock. Perhaps it will bring us all closer.

Eric, thank you for touching on the finances and talking about the things that really matter. My dad died this year on January 13th and he would always say that things will work themselves out. I'm sure it will hold true this time.

Davidcpa, I will ask my doctor tomorrow about HPV testing. Shouldn't they have checked when they did the biopsy?

Thank you everyone and thank you OCF.

Jeff age 49 DX 5/8/09 Tonsil cancer T2N2BMO. Tonsillectomy 5/14/09. TX: Cisplatin 3x's every 21 days w/ 33 Rad concurrent. 2-3 nodes on right neck affected. PEG 7/10/09. Chemo/rad start 6/12/9, TX finished 7/28/09. Extended TX
3 more chemo/Cisplatin/5FU/Docetaxil start 9/11, Clean PET 10/29/09.