[quote]I kept putting things off or was to afraid to try. Now that there is probably not much time left I don't have the capacity, strength or will.[/quote]
So, since you didn't get around to doing all the things you day-dreamed about doing, you are going to die with a low score? So what?

YOU made that list and YOU can change it.

When I was in adverse circumstances, military training cycles, Vietnam, bad time at work, etc., I would visualize places I'd rather be and things I'd rather be doing -- I still haven't done most of those things and most likely never will -- So what?

"Regret is the ultimate in self-abuse." Travis McGee as written by John D. MacDonald

Age 67 1/2
Ventral Tongue SCC T2N0M0G1 10/05
Anterior Tongue SCC T2N0M0G2 6/08
Base of Tongue SCC T2N0M0G2 12/08
Three partial glossectomy (10/05,11/05,6/08), PEG, 37 XRT 66.6 Gy 1/06
Neck dissection, trach, PEG & forearm free flap (6/08)
Total glossectomy, trach, PEG & thigh free flap (12/08)
On August 21, 2010 at 9:20 am, Pete went off to play with the ratties in the sky.