If you don't feel a bond with your therapist you should find another one. I went to one and we didn't click. Then I found the therapist I currently go to. I know it is time consuming and can be daunting but you will be happy you did it. You may have mentioned this, how long have you been feeling this way?

Do you have a support system? You are right, the docs don't seem to care what happens after treatment. I have found my primary doc to be a huge help. She sits and listens to me and helps me work through it all.

T1 SCC on right side of tongue
Age 31...27 when diagnosed
4 partial glossectomies
No chemo or radiation
Biopsy on 2/2/10-Clear
Surgery needed again...no later than April 2011
Loving life and just became a mother on 11/25/10
It's not what we CAN'T do..it's what we CAN do:)