This is true, but it's been 18 monhts since Tx for me and I'm still messed up.

[quote=EzJim] You two said that very well. I know when I came out of that induced coma after just a few days and got to come home. I was like a baby learning to navigate again. I have a split entry home and couldn't walk the steps, I had to crawl up them I got in the bathtub the next morning and couldn't gat back out of it.. was laughing at myself and my helplessness. I tried to wind my schoolhouse clock, knowing I would end up on the floor. Yep, fell off the chair I was standing on.LOL Just keep laughing and get the deterkination that you are winning the ball game and gradually you will. I never eb=ven imagining not winning and did. I still stumble at times . [/quote]

Dx 10/06 Adenoid Cystic carcinoma; Stage I. Soft palate/minor salivary glands.
Tx surgery 11/06 Tomotherapy (targeted IMRT) 3/07