I agree with Gary. I used to cry everytime I went to ENT (and he
acted like he didn't see) I could not help it. I would get so mad
at myself!! But I see now that it was depression and I quess he wanted no part of that.
I finally was asked to be referred to a Psyc and he was recovering
from THyroid cancer! He didn't even listen, he just gave me free samples of Lexapro and told me how to take them and see ya! They made me sick, so I quit and starting walking briskly becasue the
depression I had was from a lack of seratonin. At least I found that out and got on internet to figure out how to boost it naturally. Now I take nothing. There are some bad days, but I don't think it's depression- but I just get plain scared.

It really is hard to find a therapist. I tried with my mother
years ago and it was a nightmare!.

I wish you luck. Start walking and keep busy-keep the mind busy.
Take care

Partial mandibulectomy and neck dissection 2/3/07. T2NOMO.
Had 14 hour operation which included reconstruction of jaw.
Reconstruction failed. Some radiation, no chemo.