Jo -

Actually around Pittsburgh the leaves are only partially turned. We've had a mild fall so far with a fair amount of rain so the leaves are about two weeks behind where they should be. (Just means that I'll be raking and blowing leaves in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving.)

The issues were health related. Quick bout with pneumonia. But I'm over it now and back to normal. (Actually, I'm feeling better than I have for years. I started physical therapy about a month ago for my neck and jaw. The short term pain is tear inducing, but I think I'm starting to see some improvements. Improved mobility / motion side to side, less cramping and slight improvements in swallowing and jaw movement. I'm not expecting any miracles, but I'm grateful for the improvements.)

I think its great that you are able to travel and don't lose yourself to the everyday trials that come with our health issues. I'm finding that I'm less comfortable than ever at social functions / extended family gatherings. (I've never been anxious in ANY situation before, so this is new to me......and I think it will take me awhile to come to terms with the core of what is causing it.)

Have you started with a pump yet or are you still doing the gravity feed? BTW - I highly recommend unflavored feed. I tried vanilla flavor, because I used to love vanilla bean ice cream and warm apple pie with a dusting of cinnamon. Let's just say the experience is not the same.....not even close.

It seems as though your family has a great foundation in their faith and their daily actions are a manifestation of your beliefs. That's fantastic.

Quilting. My grandmother and her friends used to meet once a week or so to quilt, (and gossip). Some of the patterns she would do were very intricate others were very simple, but they all were beautiful. I'm sure yours are beautiful as well.

Keep up the good work and let me know how the pump is working for you, (when you get it.)


1997 SCC Tumor on tongue - Partial Gloss
1997 Met to Lymph
Radical Neck Dissection / 2nd Partial Gloss
6 weeks chemo and radiation
2011 Stroke
2014 Recurrence SCC at Base of Tongue / Hemi-gloss
Free Flap reconstr from thigh
PEG Tube
Permanent Issues with speech and swallowing
2018 - Bleeding throat / mouth
2019 - Bleeding throat / mouth
2019 - 3rd diag Cancer SCC Base of mouth / jawbone
2019 - Aug remove portion of jaw / right pec det / free flap closure and tongue