Hi Tina,

Ask the MO about your chemo treatment and see how they would feel if they put you on 7 x smaller doses than the '3 big bag' method which seems to be the plan in your case.

We had to make this decision and the 7 smaller doses were supposed to be more tolerable and it seems to be the case with Jen

6/8/12: Wife 33y/o with no risk dx with Stage IVa SCC L of Tongue(T4aN2bM0)
3/9/12: Induced birth @ 36 weeks - Baby Hunter!
11/9/12: OP - 3/4 Partial Gloss, Radical ND & Tongue Rec.
24/10/12: 33xRad + 7xChemo
7/12/12: Tx complete
21/3/13 & 21/6/13: NED
24/7/13: SCC in Lungs - OP: Lobectomy (VATS)
29/1/14 passed away