During the month of July, GreatScoop, Guidestar, and Planet Cancer are running the 2009 Cancer Fighters Awards, to identify the top-rated cancer fighting organizations in the country. Nonprofits with the most positive reviews in their category will be announced as winners and receive media coverage. Awards will be given out of 8 categories (5 geographic US regions and 3 budget size- small, medium, and large). The contest deadline is July 31st.

I sure you all can agree that The Oral Cancer Foundation does a lot within the oral cancer world. Receiving recognition of our impact and earning this award would be a huge deal for OCF. With that said, if you agree we can surely use your help! Click on the link below to write a review on our foundation. Your review will help others learn about OCF. The most helpful reviews speak from your personal experience. You can best help others understand your experience by providing details of your story and specific examples.


Thank you for your help and please feel free to pass this message on to others!
