Okay, guys, this is what I posted on the Motley Fool boards. If anyone is as crazy as me, feel free to use it to post your own appeal wherever you can. Also feel free to correct my typos, grammar, etc.

Hi everyone,

I have a request. My daughter had oral cancer, and during her illness, I found a wonderful organization who helped us tremendously, the Oral Cancer Foundation. It is a small, non-profit and is largely the work of one man, Brian Hill, himself a survivor of oral cancer. Unfortunately, my daughter did not survive, but during the 13 months that Heather battled for her life, the OCF Forums were my lifeline.

Right now, this organization is in the running for the Cancer Fighters Awards, which, if they win, will accord them national media coverage, which would be a REALLY good thing, because, if nothing is done to change it, in 10 or 15 years the number of young non-smokers who get oral cancer is going to be of epidemic proportions. Researchers have found there is a link to HPV, the human papilloma virus, which causes most cervical cancers, and which can be spread through sexual contact, so there are a huge number of people who are at risk, but have no idea what oral cancer is and what devastation it can cause.

The contest is based on the number of positive reviews that each organization receives. Unfortunately, tomorrow is the last day of this contest. I apologize for this being last minute, but I just found out about the contest a couple days ago. The details are here:


If any of you could write a review at this site, it would be a big help. This is the specific page for OCF:


The review can be really brief, something like "I know someone whose daughter had oral cancer and I know that the OCF was very helpful". The "What did i do part can be anything like "I think OCF is doing good work" or "I know how much they help people". Anything really. It doesn't have to be something that you did.

Plus you have to answer 2 questions out of 8 that they have listed. You can answer the one that asks what is their biggest challenge by saying they don't have enough funding. And What would they do with 10 million bucks? Help more people. Doesn't matter, just so you answer 1 in each column, I think.

Anything simple. The only 2 things you definitely have to do is give them a 5 STAR RATING and answer "YES" that it is for the Cancer Fighters Award.

You can read a few of the other reviews first to get an idea of what people say. and here is the OCF appeal if you want to read more:


I know this is an unusual request and I really don't expect much of a response, but this is so very important that I'm pretty much on my knees begging anyone for help.

Thanks in advance to any angels who read this and respond.


Last edited by rosie; 07-30-2009 10:04 PM. Reason: link was bad

Was primary caregiver to my daughter Heather who had stage IV base of tongue SCC w/ primary recurrence. Original diagnosis August 21st, 2002. Primary recurrence March 18th, 2003. Died October 6th, 2003.