Yes, I saw that and I'm afraid it might have been one that I solicited. If so, they did not read my entire appeal. I specifically said they needed to give 5 stars. I guess that is the risk in asking strangers. I am sorry.

At least our star rating is no worse than our 2 main competitors. Neither of them have a perfect 5 stars. Even so, if it was one of mine, and I'm pretty sure it was, I am very sorry.

I see some of Megan's friends have responded with a review and one of the old OCF people that I emailed also did, whether in response to my plea or Eileen's, I don't know, but all that matters is that she did.

The only negative aspect of this is that a lot of the reviews from non-OCFers are brief and impersonal and won't be useful for other purposes, but surely anyone running a contest like this would realize that sort of thing would happen. I feel bad, but also feel it was unavoidable. It is one thing to ask someone else to write a brief review to help. It is quite another to ask them to write a heartfelt review on a subject they are not even familiar with.

Last edited by rosie; 07-31-2009 11:42 AM. Reason: add more info

Was primary caregiver to my daughter Heather who had stage IV base of tongue SCC w/ primary recurrence. Original diagnosis August 21st, 2002. Primary recurrence March 18th, 2003. Died October 6th, 2003.