You are right. It does say July 31st in the rules. Odd that it is July 30 on a main page. We're up to 91, but still need
AT LEAST 15 to take the lead.
I was going to have my husband write a review, but guess he would have to do it from a different computer, because he got a message saying a review was already posted when he went to do it. So I guess it isn't really one review per person. It is one per computer. I'm sure it is their way to keep the contest honest, but still was disappointing. He knows how much OCF helped me and wasn't even too disgruntled when I asked him to do it!

I wonder how many people there are like me who used to visit the forum, but don't anymore. Even though they may have chosen not to receive the emails from OCF, I bet there are some that would write a review. If anyone here knows of anyone like that, maybe they could shoot them a quick note with the contest link.
Hugs and rainbows