Thanks for the email. Since I don't visit the website often, I wouldn't have known about this, if not for the email. I just posted my review.
As I was browsing the other reviews, however, I found that OCF wasn't included in the sites listed in the "cancer" category. Don't know if that has a bearing on OCF being in the running for the award or not. Just thought it was logical for OCF to be included in that category and was surprised to not see it there.
Also noticed that there are only 2 organizations with more votes than OCF. Of course, there could be others that should be there and aren't(in the cancer category).
If 40 more people would write a review, we could possibly take the lead. C"MON PEOPLE! Write that review! It doesn't have to be fancy or long. Browse a few reviews first to get an idea of what other people are saying, then just do it!
Yes, a long, detailed review would be great, but a simple one will suffice. Anything is better than nothing! Please? Do it for yourself. Do it for Brian. Do it in someone's memory. Just please do it.
Hugs and rainbows

p.s. It might be a good time for a small
donation also. I must admit I get caught up in life and forget to donate as often as I should, but a reminder like this usually gets me moving. I will be donating tonight . I invite you to join me.