Hi Liz & Christine - thanks for responding.

Yes, his ENT / cancer Dr. who I'm referencing.
He doesn't have a regular family Dr. - primarily because it takes two hours to be seen because it's 'the Dr's office' so he goes to the convenient care the next big town over (we live in a very small town).

The whites of his eyes look white(ish) (minus being bloodshot)

He has agreed to go to the ER tomorrow morning.

Thank you for your wisdom / advice.

Last edited by Philly; 06-11-2009 12:08 AM. Reason: typo

Mom of 4, wife and caregiver to David, 37 yrs old, diagnosed 12/4/08 SSC T4NXMX Maxillectomy on 1/8/09. 19 out of 30 scheduled rounds of IMRT Radiation Therapy. Cancer free!! (Last checkup 8/09) Next 10/23/09