David admitted tonight that he's been so unbearable because he's scared. VERY scared. He had a huge lump appear for about four days in the right side of his chest. It's been gone for five days now. After the lump disappeared he began having a 'woom woom woom' feeling in his head that only provides a few seconds of relief before beginning again & what he describes as tension / pulled neck muscle feeling in the base of his head & neck (right where his hair fell out from Radiation). He also has a fever and his skin has a slightly yellowish tint to it. Beyond the feeling weak & dizzy with a slight fever for the past few days, the other symptoms are news to me. He didn't mention because he didn't want to worry me...

We took in a mother cat who had babies about 2 months ago. He didn't mention because he thought the lump could be because of the cats. (I had cat scratch fever as a girl, but the lymph nodes in my arm pits swelled up - not in my chest). He's also been swimming at the pool in town a few times, and could have possibly picked up an infection there and / or could have water trapped. Since his Maxillectomy water would get trapped, until we discovered swimmers ear drops which dried out the water almost instantly. So in summary - he didn't mention the lump or the feeling in his head & neck because he didn't want to worry me, and figured it was because of the cats and swimming...but admitted tonight he's petrified the cancer could have returned.

His Dr. is a 5-6 hr hour drive from us, and his 6 month scans & checkup is scheduled for June 16th. We asked for scans to be completed here locally with the results in hand for his checkup & a referral to a local ENT to take a look prior to his checkup in Indy because David has been feeling weak & dizzy w/ no appetite the past few days (before learning what I just told you above about ALL of his symptoms). So his Dr's office called back earlier today and his CT scan is scheduled for Friday at the local hospital and no appointment with a local ENT yet (they're booked). Being told after business hours (he just told me tonight about all of his symptoms) having the whole big picture, I'm concerned he could have - at the very least -an ear infection, cat scratch fever, or possibly meningitis... At worst, the cancer has returned.

Having said ALL of that (and thank you for patiently reading my post) - please advise. Do you think he should go to the ER since they can't get him into an ENT yet?

PS. If he has a CT scan on Friday, can we find out that day - or relatively quickly what the results are? It would be EXCRUCIATING to wait until his June 16th appointment to have the results.

Last edited by Philly; 06-10-2009 10:32 PM. Reason: typo

Mom of 4, wife and caregiver to David, 37 yrs old, diagnosed 12/4/08 SSC T4NXMX Maxillectomy on 1/8/09. 19 out of 30 scheduled rounds of IMRT Radiation Therapy. Cancer free!! (Last checkup 8/09) Next 10/23/09