[quote=Rachael]I just don't understand how she could have not only got the clear to have her surgery 2 months ago, and be clear at all her screenings, then all of the sudden she has stage IV that has spread so much.[/quote]
Hi Rachael,
Sorry to hear about your Mum, I hope whatever they do will help.
As for your remark, Martin had neck surgery (not cancer related, worn spine cartilage) on 11th June 2007, on February 2008 he had a swollen neck galnd which thurned out to be cancerous. We asked our consultant why they didn't see anything. The simple answer was "because they weren't looking for it, they were looking at bone matter and not soft tissue".
Maybe that's what happened to your Mum.
I wish you 2 all the best.

Last edited by Cecilia; 06-06-2009 11:46 AM.

Girlfriend to Martin 49 years old at diagnosis
Diagnosed with SCC unknown primary June 2008.
Cancer found in single node Stage N2A (3 to 6cm).
Tonsilectomy 16th june, Radical modified neck dissection left side 30th june.
30 TX radiotherapy ended 9th October
First comparative study scan came back clear