Hi everyone, I have been reading forums here now for about a week and I finally decided to join. I just want to say, I think everyone here is so wonderful. As much as many of you have gone through and to be so supportive of others is amazing.
So here is my story, About 4 years ago my mom was diagnosed with oral cancer in the form of a small tumor under her tongue, caught by her dentist. She had surgery and no rad or chemo. She is very faithful on going to all her 6 month screenings as well as dental screenings. About a month ago she was having problems eating and her bottom jaw hurt to bite down. She went to her dentist and he first thought it may have been an abcess, but told her because of her history, even though she's been clear, she should have it checked out. It turns out that they found the monster is back and it has invaded her jaw bone and lymph nodes in her neck. On Tuesday she went to Boston (Dana Farber)where her doc is and where she was the firt time. Every day this week we got a little more news. After CT, PET, and MRI it has been found that it has also spread to her shoulders and down her spine, as well as a small spot on her lung. I don't know all the details as far as all the terms that many of you are familiar with but I do know that it is stage IV and they were going to do surgery on her jaw and replace with bone from her leg and a neck disection, but now that they have found out how far it has spread, they cancelled all surgeries and are going staight to rad and chemo to start ASAP. I also worry because my mom is already a very fragile person as she injured her spine in a work accident and has been on disbility scine 1991. I have yet to get more details about the type of chemo and rad, as every time I try to talk to her or my dad they are crying too much to talk about it. She is 53 and the doc told her yesterday that if all goes well, she could have up to 2 years. Oh, she also is still recovering from a surgery she had on her neck on March 4th unrelated to this. I just don't understand how she could have not only got the clear to have her surgery 2 months ago, and be clear at all her screenings, then all of the sudden she has stage IV that has spread so much. The doc she sees is rated top of the line and he did say it was very aggresive and spreading quickly, but I don't know if someone missed something along the lines or it really can spread that quickly. Thank everyone for letting me tell my story and since I have been reading I have been saying prayers for all here that need as well.