Well, I guess that kind of puts a damper on the family game night and Halloween costume ideas, but at least the "kids" are old enough to put to work on that yard work.

Dog walking hasn't been too much of an option for me, either. I also have a husky mix and he's fine to walk, but then there's my shepherd! When I got him as a pup I started to train him to the lead, but hurricanes, family crises, and finally my OC got in the way of his training. He's a lovable pup who would never deliberately hurt anyone, but he's also 120 lbs and full of energy! Even now, 2 years post Tx, I'm only 86 lbs. He loves and listens to me, but when he gets excited - which is all the time - it takes him a bit to even hear me. My son says he thinks the dog has ADHD.
Well, there's still the dinner idea if you don't hate cooking. Sometimes I do the whole holiday dinner thing "just cuz" - Turkey, roast beef, whatever with all the fixin's. I've said many times that it's got to be God's little joke - now that I have the time and interest and have become a fantastic cook, I can't eat any of it. I do have fun making it, though, and when I get teeth I'll be able to enjoy eating more of it.
Maybe you could get a start on your Christmas or other holiday lists. You could wander around the internet window shopping and mark down ideas for gifts. Maybe it could help you keep your mind busy for now. And maybe you could take that walk, either alone, or with just the one dog if you can sneak out without the other one getting too upset.
I really think that after Monday when you get your first treatment you won't feel quite so antsy because you will know what's happening each day. You just need to get through the next 2 days & nights. And remember there's usually someone on line here if you want to talk.
Take care,