Oh angels I wish you were right, I'm ready to scream, all I get is a brick wall. Things went wrong getting peg in, Surgeron went on two week vacation and didn't take care of peg till he got back. just took bandage off and said it looked good. been 3 weeks and no training on how to us or take care of it. said a nurse would come out, well they did, looked at it and said they couldn't help me because I can drive. sign up for someone to come out and they wrote a leter of denile because I don't need to go to a rest home. the lady at the hospital come in and talked so fast, she was going to do wonders, haven't seen her seen. I have had 4 chemo treamenmts and today is #18 on radiation. I got sores in my mouth this past week, so they want to stop radiation, why can't they be treated whats the peg for? I can still eat and drink anything I want, it just don't taste good. I have lost no weight. I'm so tired of fighting with them. I also have to take care of husband, if it wasn't for a grand daugther whos been helping I would go crazy. Hope you have better help them me