Andrew...I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I had BOT also. It was a shock as I've always been somewhat of a health nut and never smoked. My husband and I had just moved to a new area and had no family or new friends to help out. I felt so alone, just as you probably do. If your treatment center is close, they might have volunteers that drive patients. We're not religious, but I did find out that many of the churches have volunteers that are eager to help folks out. Try the local Red Cross, YMCA or a local senior center. Lots of retired people do many different kinds of volunteer work. Hope this gives you some ideas. DON'T be afraid to ask for help! You will have fatigue. That will be especially difficult for you. Just know that this will pass eventually. I was very active before this started and it was a real downer. I found it really helped to just go with it and baby myself. Hard to do for a very independant lady! Hopefully you have a significant other of some kind to help prop you up. My husband has been a rock. I could not have done this without him and it has made us even closer. Write and let me know if you've found help. May angels watch over you. Katie