Andrew - I know in our area in addition to all the great ideas above - several churches provide assistance. Even if you are not a member or an active attendee we have several churches here that provide money, meals, taxi service, house hold help, etc.

Don't be shy - ask EVERYBODY. There are tons of people in this world that really want to help people in a situation like you are dealing with. There's lots of crappy, cynical stuff going on in the world these days, but there are still good people out here!!

good luck to you

Michelle, CG to husband (45), DX 2/08 Stage IVa Adenocarcinoma Salivary Gland (T2N2bMO)
Parotidectomy & ND 2/08, Tumor margins not clear, 4 of 30 nodes positve for cancer,
TX IMRT 39x, cisplatin 7x (completed 5/1/08),
PEG (4/22 - 7/9), No port. Currently in remission!