
OK, this is bottom line. YOU will need some help!! I can not believe that you do not know someone that will be there for you.?

Right now you NEED Family, Friends, Neighbors that know you!! You will need big Support going through Treatment. You can also find support with Those that have gone through this. Check with the hospital for Volunteers!! Most of us that have gone thought this offer guidance for others.

Maybe someone here, may live close to you and can be of some help.

I am thinking of you... Hope this was of some help!!

2004 SCC R.tip 1/4 tongue Oct. 2005 R. Neck SCC cancer/Chemo Cisplatin 2x/8wks. Rad. Removed Jugular vein, Lymph gland & some neck muscle. TX finished 1/20/06... B.Cancer 3/29/07 Finished 6/07 Bi-op 7/15/09 SCC in-situ, laser surgery removed from 1st. sight. Right jaw replacement 11/3/14. 9 yrs cancer free as of Jan. 2015