Thank you guys for your responses. I'm very much aware that i'm a hypochondriac, and worried about this virus. I've given it much thought, and have done lots of reading, but, i'm ultimately looking to be more proactive with screening, etc... Even though our immune system may deal with it in the time being, from what i've read from other people and their experiences, HPV never goes away. It can flare up even 20 years later.

Much thanks for the help and advice guys. I really appreciate it.

By the way, i'm going to see my primary today to get referred to an ENT. I've already seen one two weeks ago, but my symptoms have been persisting with the new medication. I've been looking at my oral cavity to look for changes, or abnormal lesions. Which brings me to my next question:

Do you guys know of any good way to do screening for oral and throat CA? Is visual the only way?